Thursday, February 9, 2012

Was trying ever enough!!!

During those young age moments.. the naive thought that came across my mind was,
1. To be successful one must always study,
2. As long as you put something into your hearts things will bend according to your way..
3. Loving someone with all you got and showing it will eventually called as true love..
4. Flirting is bad for health and self esteem..
5. Doing homework makes someone smart as people will come to you to copy..
But as time pass.. I realize these are nonsense..
Cause to be successful.. you don't need to study.. all you need is time and chance..
No matter how much you put an effort into something things just don't come along you.. that's why it's call challenging..
True love doesn't mean you love someone so much and they will love you.. It's pure nonsense.. All we need is the right time which give the right click to the right moment..
Flirting is sometimes good.. cause it helps to think creative and learn to be more sociable..
Doing homework makes me look dumb as all will just take mine and copy.... might as well just copy people's...
That's what i call facts of life..
there are Times we need to think.. but most of the time thinking just complicates things..

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