Sunday, July 31, 2011

I knew!!!

I always knew that the past means a lot to me..
That's why there are time which i just want to remain where I was..
It was beautiful... and perfect in many ways
but i tried reminding myself that perfection is not about seeking to be perfect..
but to know what's imperfection and live with it..
I fail as you can see..
But now it's different..
because of the past I'm helpless in many situation.. I try to ignore the present and to obstruct the future..
All i did was too be selfish.. too selfish that I lost track of what's important and what's not..
Till the storm ends and the sea calms itself..
Till the days to come..
All I could say..
I knew you came..
Yet I too knew that you would leave one day..
I Knew...
that I was alone with our without you...